Goals of "Alcor Portugal"
Several problems can happen when helping an Alcor member that lives in Portugal. Problems can occur in accessing the body, in the stabilization process, and in transport of the body to the Alcor facilities in Scottsdale, Arizona. One of our goals is to assist Alcor with these kind of problems.
The main goals of Alcor in Portugal are:
Assist in the stabilization process and transport of Alcor members that are in Portugal. For more information please visit: Emergency Procedures, Team in Portugal, Mortuaries and Hospitals.
Establish (create, keep active and coordinate) a local intervention team in Portugal. For more information please visit: Team in Portugal.
To be an information source for the participants in the process of stabilization and transport (local "Alcor Portugal" team, Alcor staff, physicians, mortuaries, and others). Our website will also be an information source (in English), for the Alcor staff, about the problems that might happen during an emergency intervention in Portugal. For more information please visit: Emergency Procedures, Team in Portugal, Mortuaries and Hospitals.
Increase the number of Alcor members in Portugal. For that purpose we provide information in Portuguese and we help prospective members in the process of becoming members. For more information please visit: Free Information, Become Member, Front page and Contact Us.
Advertize Alcor and cryonics to all Portuguese and Portuguese speaking people. Help those who are not able to contact Alcor directly. For more information please visit: Become Member, Front page and Contact Us.
Inform and make a connection between future member and Alcor.
Keep in touch with Alcor members in Portugal so they can support and help each other. For more information please visit: Contact Us and Meetings.
Our website will also have information about the "Alcor Portugal" members' meetings. These meetings are important to coordinate tasks and evaluate the developments made by "Alcor Portugal". For more information please visit: Meetings.